Dave Warner is a licensed sales agent in Virginia. Dave made his first real estate investment – a town home, in New York state in 1987. He has been involved with real estate ever since. While working as a partner for the Certified Public Accounting firm, Bennett J. Schwartz, PC in the 1980's, Dave expanded his knowledge of real estate development, conversions and sales.
In July of 1991, Dave left New Jersey to focus his full attention on real estate in Virginia. He partnered with a local Realtor and subsequently acquired his real estate sales license. Over the next 9 years the two grew a small non brand company into what is now Century 21 New Millennium, a top tier company within the Realogy franchise system, consisting of an array of companies offering one stop service for all real estate needs. In 2000, Dave sold his ownership back to the company to be able to focus exclusively on real estate sales and management, his original intent upon moving to Virginia. Dave has been honored with numerous Century 21 production awards, the Quality Service Pinnacle Award as well as becoming a Life Member of the NVAR Top Producers Club.
Having been a buyer, a seller, an investor, a renovator and relocatee himself, Dave has "walked in the shoes" of many of his clients, and can uniquely empathize with their needs and concerns. His years of experience in renovation of his own and other properties allows him to help his clients both identify areas of current concern as well as envision what potential a home might have.
Dave currently resides in Fairfax County, Virginia, and has extensive knowledge of the Northern Virginia markets through Loudoun and Spotsylvania counties.